Jan Wiegers etchings for sale

Dutch, 1893-1959

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Mountainous Landscape -  WIEGERS

Mountainous Landscape
Brush etching, undated, edition unknown. 12 3/8 x 16 3/8 in. Signed in pencil. This is a fine impression printed on a sturdy wove paper. The margins are full and the condition is fine. This large and uncommon print most likely depicts the Swiss Alps where Wiegers lived and worked in the early 1920s. This unusual approach to etching compares nicely to the artist's work in wash and pen and ink drawings of similar subjects. With brush etching, acid is applied to the plate with a brush. This compares to using a brush to make a wash drawing with ink. Wiegers here shows a flair for graphic experimentation.

Street Scene with Large Tree -  WIEGERS

Street Scene with Large Tree
Etching, 1924, edition unknown. 9 3/4 x 7 3/4 in. Signed and dated in pencil, lower right. This is a superb impression of this deeply bitten plate. The margins are full and the condition is excellent. This intense etching mirrors Wiegers's powerful and dynamic work in the woodcut medium. He worked closely with Kirchner in Davos, Switzerland, and Wiegers's prints during the 1920s are an important chapter in the history of 20th century Dutch graphic art. The Dutch expressionist movement, known as "de Ploeg," flourished largely due to this Davos connection between Kirchner and Wiegers. Many other artists followed suite as the expressionist movement was clearly not confined to any precise geographical borders. In Holland, the movement was based in Groningen.

Also available from Wiegers: Wiegers drypoints for sale, Wiegers etchings for sale, Wiegers lithographs for sale, Wiegers woodcuts for sale, Wiegers prints for sale

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William P. Carl Fine Prints

P.O. Box 14688, Durham, NC 27709
TEL: (919) 294-8228 - CELL: (413) 221-2383
E-mail: WPCARL@aol.com