william p carl ❖ fine prints
Grant Wood: The 19 Lithographs (by Bruce Johnson) - GRANT WOOD
Medium: catalogue raisonné

American, (1891-1942)
Catalogue raisonné, 2016, 185 pages. 8 x 10 x 1/2 in. This is the new catalogue on Grant Wood prints. The original catalogue was written by Sylvan Cole and published by Associated American Artists in 1984. This publication provides a substantial amount of information about Wood's interest in the lithography medium and each print is described at length. There are essays about George Miller, Wood's printer, and regionalism in general. Johnson includes amended dates for a few of the lithographs and explains the facts behind his conclusions. This is a must have book for Grant Wood collectors as it supersedes the Cole catalogue. The price is $30 plus $7 for postage and handling. Sales tax applies to North Carolina residents. SOLD
Also available from Wood: Wood lithographs for sale, Wood prints for sale
William P. Carl Fine Prints
P.O. Box 14688, Durham, NC 27709TEL: (919) 294-8228 - CELL: (413) 221-2383E-mail: WPCARL@aol.com